Advaitam and Science

OM, Purnamata purnamitam purnat purnamutachyate, purnasya purnamataye purnamevavasishyate – Bri.Up V.i.1


                                                                   DAIVA SAMPAT (PART 2)

In my last article I explained about six daiva sampat as explained in chapter sixteen in Bhagavad Gita.  In this article, I will explain few more daiva sampat.

1. Svadhyaya

Svadhyaya is otherwise said as Brahma yagna.  The Rishis have given us many scriptures.  They have coded it in order to pass down the precious knowledge to the future generation.  It is our responsibility to read them and understand the meaning of the profound texts.  Reading, learning and understanding the scriptures is same as respecting and worshipping the Rishi who has given us that knowledge.  Svadhyaya is very important for any one who aim for the higher goal in life.

2. Tapas

Tapas is training oneself to understand the true nature of a person.  Training oneself are of three types  : kaayikam tapah, vachikam tapah and maanasam tapah.

1. Kaayikam tapah – It is the tapas done by the body.  Performing the tapas with the body is doing poojas, yagnas and different austerities; Striving hard with the body for the higher values of life is kaayikam tapah.

2. Vaachikam tapah – It is the tapas done by the speech.  Chanting mantras, worshiping god by hymns and controlling the speech, and using the words and speech for higher values of life is Vaachikam tapas.

3. Maanasam tapah – It is the tapas done by the mind.  Controlling the thoughts, thinking only of the positive aspects of life, meditating on the Self are the maanasam tapah. 

In general, tapas is separating the mind from the body and senses and turning the mind towards the Self is tapah.

3. Aarjavam

Aarjavam is straightforwardness.  Straightforwardness in thoughts, words and action is aarjavam.  It is necessary to do the action according to the words, and the words according to the thoughts. The thoughts, words and action should be in the straight line.   One should not hide the truth in any situation.  Straightforwardness is an absolutely important value for higher life.

4. Ahimsa

Ahimsa is non-injury to others in thoughts, words and deeds.  When we hear of ahimsa we only consider about the himsa (injury) in action.  However, before causing injury by action one has to avoid the thoughts of causing injury to other.  Any action is preceded by thoughts.  One must not injure others in the least way, because it will not help one to realize the Self. 

5. Satyam

Truth in speech is an important value in life.  Speaking of things as they are, without uttering unpleasant words or lies; it includes self-restraint, absence of jealousy, forgiveness, patience, endurance and kindness.  One should not use harsh words and rude tone in the name of telling truth.  One should not degrade others or insult others in any way by knowing their truth. 

6. Akrodhah

One has to be in the balanced state of mind even when insulted, rebuked or even under the gravest provocation. If a person maintains absolute state of calmness in these situations, then he has a tremendous strength in mind.  Only a person with a strong mind is fit for the higher values of life. 

These are some of the daiva sampat as said in Bhagavad Gita.  There are many more daiva sampat (good values) said by Bhagavan Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, which I will explain in my next article.


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