Advaitam and Science

OM, Purnamata purnamitam purnat purnamutachyate, purnasya purnamataye purnamevavasishyate – Bri.Up V.i.1



The asuri sampat are the demonical values.  The demonical values are explained in the sixteenth chapter of Bhagavad Gita.  A person who has dominant Rajo guna or tamo guna will have this nature.  A person who has dominant sattva guna will have the daivi sampat (vide previous articles).  In Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavan has given few asuri sampat, which we will see in this article.


Dhambha is hypocrisy.  It is to pretend to be what one is not.  Pretend to be righteous, rich, educated, religious, high status etc.  These are some of the dhambha people normally like to exhibit.  Pretending to be religious or spiritual is the worst kind of hypocrisy.  Hypocrisy is a mixture of deceit and falsehood. People pretend to be someone only to receive benefits from the society and to be respected by all.  They boost false merits but in return they get only demerits.

2. Darpa

Darpa is arrogance.  People give so much value to what they have.  They identify too much with their external characters.  They forget their divine nature and think that they are what they have as mere qualification.  People identify too much with their learning, wealth, property, beauty etc and they have pride over it and it leads to arrogance. 

3. Parushyam (in speech)

Parushyam is speaking exactly the opposite to what one possess.  Boosting a poor man as a rich one, an illiterate as highly educated etc.  it is usually done with an ulterior, selfish or evil motive.  It is just pretending as an educated man and involving in robbery or cheating others.  It is very common in the present time.

4. Ajnanam

Ajnanam is ignorance.  Ignorant of what to do and what not to do.  There is absence of discrimination.  They do not know what is the right path.  Worse is they assume the wrong path as right.  They are not sure about what is real and unreal, good and evil, virtue and vice.  They misunderstand everything.  They are drowned in misconceptions.  They do not even accept other’s right view.  They will not be able to take right decisions at the right time.  They will always depend on others for decisions making. 

5. Abhimanam

Abhimanam is thinking too high about their own merits and not recognizing others merits.  They identify too much with their merits.  They expect others to praise them and talk about their greatness.  If not, they themselves will talk about their own glory.  They forget the fact that each one has their own glory.  Taking too much pride with their own merits and always identifying with their own merits is abhimanam.

6. Krodha:

Krodha is anger.  If a person identifies with their own merits and if others do not recognize them in the same way, then they get anger.  Apart from that, arrogance, jealousness, expectation all these too leads to anger.  By krodha, the mind and bhuddhi are deluded.  They hastily take wrong decisions and easily gets confused.  Sometimes, krodha leads to complete destruction.  Krodha gets manifested itself when one gets something unpleasant and when he comes across something disagreeable.

7. Ahamkara

Ahamkara is identifying themselves with their own body and mind.  It is the outcome of ignorance.  They think too great of the qualities they posses and for those which they falsely superimpose on themselves.  They expect others to respect their qualities and often demand very high price.

These are some of the asuri sampat (demonical values) given in the sixteenth chapter of Bhagavad Gita.  A person who has asuri nature cannot lead a peaceful life and cannot travel in the spiritual path successfully.


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