Advaitam and Science

OM, Purnamata purnamitam purnat purnamutachyate, purnasya purnamataye purnamevavasishyate – Bri.Up V.i.1

Om, That (Brahman) is infinite, This(Universe too) is infinite. The infinite (Universe) emanates from the infinite(Brahman).  Assimilating the infinitude of the infinite(Universe), the infinite(Brahman) alone is left.

AUM, The fundamental sound of relative realityAdvaita philosophy is very deep. Its various facets are explained from multifarious perceptions in our ancient texts. Indian timeless texts like Upanisad’s, Brahma sutra,The Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Ramayanam and many, many more were written a few thousand years back.  But the fact written in these scriptures still remain afresh and are relevant even in today’s life.

AUM, The fundamental sound of relative reality

This is not a religious site, because Advaitam is not about religion.  Advaitam emphasises the basic nature of any human being, regardless of caste, creed or gender.  Advaitam transforms a person to a new self-confident person. The aim of this site is to focus on the facts and truths hidden in the precious scriptures, and also help others to realise the same. The richness and pride of the Indian culture can be realised through its unparallel philosophies. We must salute and thank the ancient Rishis, who lived in caves and found such marvelous truths, by meditation and passed on their knowledge to us, through scriptures. Else we will always remain ignorant.



THE ASURI SAMPAT The asuri sampat are the demonical values.  The demonical values are explained in the sixteenth chapter of Bhagavad Gita.  A person who has dominant Rajo guna or tamo guna will have this nature.  A person who has dominant sattva guna...

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DAIVA SAMPAT  -   PART 4 In my last three articles I explained about some of the daiva sampat as described in chapter sixteen of Bhagvad Gita.  In this article, I would like to explain some more.1. Hrih Hrih can be said as modesty.  It is the...

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DAIVA SAMPAT  - PART 3 In my last two articles I explained about some of the daiva sampat as described in the chapter 16 of Bhagvad Gita.  In this article, I would like to explain some more. Tyaga: It is one of the most misinterpreted concepts in Sanatana...

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